Thursday, October 29, 2009

Here there are no lives I'm set out to lead.
I can't remember how many times I hit snooze today.
Wait. It comes every 5 minutes. that would be 7 times. Math with fingers works rather well when counting by fives.

I work tirelessly and I really need some sleep. This busy-ness is good for me. I need more time to think. All these things happen, my relationships seem cyclical. there's a cap that's reached every so often, and that's when I know it's time to stop.

Well, I tried scanning negatives yesterday. I'll go back another day, and then hopefully have something to show for it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just got around to....

uploading these pictures.
I know they all don't look the same, I didn't feel like congruous editing.
I don't know who all reads these anyway.
No matter.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Let's all sit around in a classroom at realize obvious differences in our past.
Let's keep asking 'what if?' questions.
I hope you're justified.

I want to be more proficient in my knowledge of stuff.
Didn't that sound scholarly?

I'm learning photography all over again, it seems. teaching people in my class how to roll film and what aperture is. No, no, not the photo editing software made by Macintosh. At least I'll have darkroom access.

I meant what I said in that letter.

"All the same, it could be that I am mistaken, and what I take for gold and diamonds is perhaps nothing but a bit of copper and glass."

I'm going to edit pictures.